I have always encouraged my patients to follow measures to boost and stimulate their immune system. Now, more than ever, we need to be especially conscious of these efforts.

If you have been diagnosed with post COVID-19 syndrome or post viral syndrome, we can help design a multifaceted approach to manage some of your issues, such as, fatigue, body aches, difficulty breathing, cognitive disabilities or heart and vascular impairments.

Mind & Body Therapies:

Stress Management: We are surrounded by stressful issues almost daily and these issues challenge our immune system. Consider a stress hormone support program along with yoga, exercise and enjoy nature.

Diet Management: Blend a variety of fruits and vegetables into your meal planning. Many foods have anti-inflammatory properties. Check our anti-inflammatory food list. Also, consider taking a professional quality fish oil and a multi-vitamin to balance your nutrition.

Sleep Balance: Make time for sleep. Insufficient sleep patterns leave you at risk for developing infections. Your immune system needs to rest to recover from the challenges of the day. Consider botanicals for sleep assistance.

Supplement Therapies:
Listed here are some supplements that have shown promise in strengthening the immune system or building a free radical resistance barrier.

Zinc: Helps to build resistance and adds a protective influence on the respiratory system. Food sources such as, avocado, blackberries, beans, and spinach.

Vitamin C: Creates a barrier against viral infections. A therapeutic suggestion is 500mg to 3000mg orally. Food sources such as, citrus, papaya, blueberries, and kale.

Vitamin D: Plays an important role in regulating mood and stimulating the immune response. Knowing your vitamin D level through a lab test can help establish a dose starting point. Food sources: salmon, egg yolk, and shrimp.

Some additional immune stimulators or protectants to consider include garlic, green tea, peppermint, mushroom extracts, and quercetin. Check out Metagenics’s Immune Defense Pack (see below)

Daily activities: Basic handwashing and social distancing is essential. Remember to exercise to your tolerance. Building strength, endurance and increasing lung expansion can help strengthen respiratory muscles.

Note to Men: I highly suggest you follow the social distancing and mask wearing since COVID-19 hits us harder than it does women. Please read this WebMD article on Men and COVID-19.

Stay connected: It is important to stay connected with friends and family. Spiritual support is beneficial in so many ways. Stay in touch with your medical provider. Keeping appointments will help avoid problems. At Integrative Medical Associates we offer these appointments via phone, video, and in office.

One of our in-office therapies that many of our patients find therapeutic are intravenous infusions. Be comfortable knowing that each IV is formulated to your specific needs and is initiated and monitored by an experienced registered nurse in a private setting.

Consider your personalized medical immune system protocols to match your specific medical needs. These therapies cannot guarantee that you will not be affected, but they may help reduce the likelihood of getting sick. They may also lessen symptoms or the duration of the illness. This article is to provide information and should not replace medical advice from your provider.

NO INSURANCE: We have affordable self pay prices for our office visits and laboratory testing. Just ask our staff for information and schedule your appointment today.

Blending Natural Medicine
and Conventional Therapies
(520) 297-9664

7468 N. La Cholla Blvd
Tucson, AZ 85741