Modified Paleo Diet
Travelling on Paleo can be tough – you’re thrown out into the world far from the safety of your own kitchen, and you have to make the best of it. But with some basic planning and preparation, you won’t have to sacrifice your health on the road.

Daily Multi-Vitamin
Make sure to keep up with your usual daily multi-vitamin while travelling. Keeping your body on track as much as possible will help ease any stomach and bowel issues, keep your head clear, help with jet lag and make sure you’re not missing anything essential as you travel. Here is a daily multi-vitamin we recommend, Phytomulti.

Kegal Exercises
Kegal exercises are your traveling sidekick. They strengthen your pelvic floor muscles that support the bladder, rectum and sexual organs for both men and women. These exercises can be done anywhere at any time.

10 Exercises Designed for Long Trips
When legs remain still for too long, the calf muscles don’t contract. Those calf contractions help blood circulate and, without them, blood clots can form in your legs. These 10 exercises will keep the blood flowing so you can stay consistent with your routine and stay healthy, no matter the amount of time you spend on four wheels.

How truckers can protect themselves while delivering freight during the coronavirus pandemic.

First things first.

Thank you. Your dedication and determination to keep the hospitals supplied and grocery shelves full is truly the fabric of our existence during uncertain times. We appreciate you. We see you, and we want you to stay healthy.

As simple as it sounds, one of the best prevention methods for the spread of any coronavirus is washing your hands frequently and thoroughly. Warm water and soap go a long way toward keeping you and your family healthy.

Reprinted From Landline Media

Blending Natural Medicine
and Conventional Therapies
(520) 297-9664

7468 N. La Cholla Blvd
Tucson, AZ 85741