Tucson Naturopathic Doctor - Integrative Medical Associates - Dr. Bruce Sadilek

Blending Natural Medicine and Conventional Therapies
(520) 297-9664

Self Help

For patients looking for an option to kickstart their health or alleviate current symptoms, we offer a health assessment that can get you started on a health protocol prior to your first consultation. By filling out the questionnaire below, you can find a nutraceutical botanical protocol through our physician-grade website based on your symptoms.

Step 1:  Download and fill out the Medical Symptoms Questionnaire as well as the Chronic Ailment Assessment Booklet and proceed to rate your symptoms depending on the severity of your symptoms over the last 30 days.

Step 2:  Total each category and refer to the MSQ Key and CAAB Key. Based on your results, the nutritional support portion of the key can direct you to formulas typically used for your symptoms.

Step 3:  Order your physician-grade supplements based on your results through Wholescripts.com/bruce-sadilek.

Step 4:  Still struggling to achieve optimal desired health or unsure of which protocol best suits you? Call our office to schedule an appointment with Dr. Sadilek for a more in depth look at your health.

Metabolic Detox

For patients looking to enhance their natural metabolic detoxification process while feeling more energized, Metagenics offers Detox programs spanning over 10 to 28 days with an easy to follow meal plan. Many people benefit from doing a 10-day metabolic detox 2 to 3 times per year. Some people may benefit from completing a 28-day metabolic detox program once or twice a year.

Step 1: Print out the Metabolic Detoxification Questionnaire below.

Step 2: Rate your symptoms based on the last week using the provided point scale.

Step 3: Total your responses.

Step 4: Send the results to our office for Dr. Sadilek to review. We will contact you to schedule an appointment to review the results and discuss which Metabolic Detoxification protocol is best for you.

Step 5: Order the prescribed Metabolic Detoxification Program from Bsadilek.metagenics.com.

GI Health Assessment

If the GI tract is not functioning optimally, a patient may experience uncomfortable digestive symptoms and may benefit from a gut restoration program like 5R. In addition, suboptimal gut function impacts all other organ systems that need to utilize the energy from digestion. Therefore, restoration of the gut function supports the foundational health of the whole body including immune health, cardiometabolic health, and cognitive function. The 5R program consists of making lifestyle changes such as addressing stress and dietary habits while encompassing targeted nutrition support through five components: Remove, Replace, Reinoculate, Regenerate and Retain.

Step 1: Print out the GI Health Assessment below.

Step 2: Rate your symptoms using the provided rating system.

Step 3: Total your responses.

Step 4: Send the results to our office for Dr. Sadilek to review. We will contact you to schedule an appointment to review the results and discuss which 5R Gastrointestinal Health Protocol is best for you.

Step 5: Order the prescribed 5R Gastrointestinal Health Protocol from Bsadilek.metagenics.com.

Better Health Care is Our Mission

(520) 297-9664


Monday: By Appointment Only
Tuesday: 9am – 5pm
Wednesday: 9am – 5pm
Thursday: 9am – 5pm
Friday: 9am – 3pm
Closed for Lunch 12pm – 1pm


Tucson Naturopathic Doctor - Integrative Medical Associates - Dr. Bruce Sadilek

7468 N. La Cholla Blvd., Tucson, AZ 85741

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