This article will cover post COVID, chronic COVID and treatment options.

The best place to start would be to get a complete blood count (CBC), which would show your white and red blood cells. Another good lab to get would be a C-reactive protein (CRP), which would be a marker to check for inflammatory patterns. COVID unfortunately does affect some of the vasculature, so a CRP would be a beneficial test.

Vitamin D – get level checked. You don’t want to have too much nor you don’t want to have too little, so there’s a fine line.   Having that level checked helps make sure that’s within the normal ranges.

 Specific nutraceuticals and botanicals like zinc.  You may have enough of it in your multi but about 30 milligrams may be beneficial to the immune system itself.

Quercetin is an anti-inflammatory and works on multiple pathways. It could be helpful for the GI system by providing a blanketed anti-inflammatory effect.

B complex is another useful vitamin for post covid stress. These “stress” vitamins tend to be depleted after an illness such as Covid-19. Look at doing at least a B complex, a B/50 or B/100. which help put those what we call water-soluble supplementation back in.

If you don’t have a multi consider a  plant-based multivitamin.  There are many out there to choose from, Metagenics has a couple as well as other nutraceutical botanical pharmaceutical grade companies.

Remember to look at how many milligrams of vitamin D are in the multi versus how many milligrams of vitamin D you need to use. And same with zinc. It’s a cumulative effect, so you may not need more than you already have.

Vitamin C, another commonly known immune booster, still remains essential to the body’s defense system.  Aim for about two grams daily.  By utilizing some of the fat soluble forms of vitamin C, such as ascorbyl palmitate, it will be in the system longer which can benefit the immune system.

Intravenous infusions can help supply you with nutraceutical botanicals that you may not be able to absorb or may not be able to get enough of. IV infusions can be beneficial, especially post COVID. Nutraceutical  botanicals, Vitamin IV infusions, even simple saline IV fluids can be very helpful to make you feel more energized and better than before.

If you have any further questions or need any further advice feel free to email us at or  check the website out and let us know if we could help you from there.

Blending Natural Medicine
and Conventional Therapies
(520) 297-9664

7468 N. La Cholla Blvd
Tucson, AZ 85741