Humacel is a product we have recommended for viral infections and immune protection for years.
The compounds in Humacel inhibit viral attachment to target host cells by blocking the glycoproteins (the “sticky” binding sites) on virus surfaces. The entire process of attachment to a host cell is halted, thereby arresting viral replication. This process also sends a signal to the immune system alerting it of the invader. This kicks the immune system into action against the virus that has been laid vulnerable by this coating.
The compounds in Humacel have been extensively studied and have proven to be effective in the inhibition of numerous viruses, including; coxsackie A9, influenza A, influenza B, herpes simplex virus type 1 and 2, HIV type 1 and 2, cytomegalovirus, Ebstein Barr virus, vaccinia virus, SARS, H5N1, H1N1, hepatitis C and others. (1, 2)
One study found fulvic acids capable of rendering vaccinia virus, HIV and SARS virus non-infectious and demonstrated fulvic acid’s ability to inactivate genetically diverse strains of influenza, including H5N1 (3).
Medical studies show that difficult respiratory illnesses common in children are readily resolved with Humacel dietary supplementation. With results like these, Humacel would be a worthy addition to a dietary regime during flu season. $51.00/bottle. 60 capsules.
Call us at 520-297-9664 or stop by to get
your bottle of Humacel today.