Symptoms: Altered cholesterol values, high blood pressure, increased blood sugar, metabolic syndrome and/or family history of heart disease or diabetes.

Services Available:
Spectracell’s CardioMetabolic Risk Assessment: The most accurate and comprehensive cholesterol test available today, reporting 15 separate components of blood cholesterol. Additionally, it checks for markers of Metabolic Syndrome, diabetes, congestive heart failure and genetic predisposition towards heart disease.

OmegaCheck – Determines patient’s risk for sudden cardiac death and helps management and treatment of lipoprotein disorders. An adequate level of the Omega-3’s EPA and DHA can reduce this risk by 90%. This test is a great compliment to the LPP test for cardiovascular risk reduction.

Blending Natural Medicine
and Conventional Therapies
(520) 297-9664

7468 N. La Cholla Blvd
Tucson, AZ 85741